mardi 24 mars 2009

Quizz: Jean-Claude did say it / did not say it.

Here’s a little test in order to see if you have increased your knowledge about Van Damme’s philosophy.
For each sentence, try to guess if Jean-Claude said it or not.
To see the answer, you have to select the line below the question (the answers are of the same colour as the background).
Count your good answers and post your score in a comment.

“Sometimes, the fear of the death is more terrible than the death itself”
Didn’t say it

“If you remove the air from the sky, all birds would fall down”
Did say it

“If you remove his brain from Steven Seagall, the guy would still act”
Didn’t say it

“It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice”
Didn’t say it

“As far as I’m concerned, Adam and Eve, I don’t believe in it anymore, you know. ‘Cause, I’m not a dumbass: the apple, it can’t be a bad stuff, it’s full of pectin”
Did say it

“As for me, the dream – and as for everyone in fact, even if people don’t know (and even if they don’t know it, they know it) – the dream, it’s a feeling, it’s a true feeling that happen if you want”
Did say it

“Did I play in some movies for commercial reasons? Yes, I did. Sometimes, you just do things only to survive, to pay the bills. Even Shakespeare did it. Have you read “Richard III”? The hero is a guy who has a soul as ugly as his physical appearance. Judging someone by the appearances… It’s just the complete opposite of his works! They probably hold a gun to his head to make him write that stuff.”
Didn’t say it

“France has to wake up! Me, the ‘35 hours’, I do them in one day!”
Didn’t say it

“There’re people who didn’t succeed because they’re not aware, they don’t ‘keep up the date’. They don’t pay attention to know that they are. Poor ones, they don’t know”
Did say it

“Because we have created a reality in our reality, we created time: 24 hours, 365 days in a year. That’s good! So, we know that when I cross the living-room and walk from the fireplace to the window, it takes 10 seconds, but for a bird, it takes one second and for the oxygen 0 second!”
Did say it

dimanche 22 mars 2009

My last post

Watching this interview, I realized that I have common point with the film director of JCVD Mabrouk El Mechri when he says he grew up with Jean-Claude’s films. I have to confess that I did too and, like Mabrouk, I even had a poster of his first and maybe most famous film “Bloodsport” on the wall of my room when I was a little boy. I don’t watch Karate films anymore but at that time, he was important and symbolized a lot of things for me, as for a lot of people I suppose.

I want to thank Mabrouk for making JCVD, because in our societies “burn your idol” seems to be the motto of a lot of people. Of course, to have idols is very infantile, but if you are a child, what’s the problem? It is not incoherent. I also think it’s important to remember where you are from, what you did, what you experienced and to not deny the tasteless part of you. If not, it‘s just like saying that your personality came in one block one day, although it is a process.

This also reminds me the way that the mass medias always present art, or entertainment (call it how you want) as a pyramidal stuff. I mean, something with a top, and if we, as an audience, don’t appreciate who is on this top (who mass media usually put on there), we are considered as has-beens. A decade ago, 2be3 were everywhere. Personally, I do respect the fact that people I don’t like, artistically speaking, has an audience and I consider they are useful to it but I think it is incredible that 2be3 won the “best band of the year award” in 97!

I think there is no hierarchy between artists objectively, everything is linear (Objectively, you cannot say that Mozart is better than Lorie who is better than Adamo who is better than The Beatles, etc. They all are on the same line, because for the most easy-listening music, as for the most hardly-listening music, there is an audience). It is just a question of audience and context. Patrick Sebastien’s “on fait tourner les serviettes” is more appropriate for a wedding ceremony than a Bartok piece, isn’t it?

But I regret that every artist doesn’t have the same visibility in the Medias and that audience doesn’t really have the possibility to extend their artistic tastes.

So I don’t agree with Jean-Claude when he says, during interviews and in the film JCVD too, that he received everything from life (glory, etc) although he didn’t give anything to the world. In fact, he gave a lot to his fans, acting in Karate films. He did a lot for this audience and we should respect that.

You don’t like Jean-Claude? It is choice that has to be respected, but even if you don’t like him, or his films, even if you don’t even see one of them, you know him. He is one of the cultural references that almost everybody shares, some part of the collective conscience. I guess you can go almost anywhere on this planet and just say “Jean-Claude Van Damme” to an unknown person and I am sure you will become friend instantly. Thank you Jean-Claude ;) We all are contemporary of you and I am happy to live in the same world that you are living in.

lundi 16 mars 2009


This is a sample of what you can expect from the out of step humour (humour décalé?) and from Jean-Claude performance in the film "JCVD".

There was an error in the translation. They replaced "You don't need to use a flash when ou take a picture of a rabbit who has already red-eyes" by "If there was no more oxigen, planes and birds would crash".

Enjoy it!


Let’s talk about the film « JCVD » which would change your point of view on Jean-Claude.

It is a very atypical film because it mixes biographical parts of Jean-Claude’s life and fictional elements. And sometimes, the frontier between them disappears and this put the members of the audience in a strange state of mind, especially because the biographical elements are related to very private and painful things like his divorce, the fact that he became has been, the fact than French audience always make fun of him, his relation with his parents, his age, etc.

You will see a Jean-Claude almost weak (in the opposite of the image that vehiculates his filmography), who got older and whose humanity makes him brighter than ever.

This film which is not just a comedy, but also a tribute to American hold-up scene with very dark scenes sometimes, and which contains a real Belgium spirit is really a great surprise. I recommend you to watch it as soon as possible.

PS: Contrary to the trailer, there is almost no big action scene in JCVD, but this film is also nothing but Karate ;)

dimanche 8 mars 2009

Having fun

news about JCVD in Cannes
If you question yourself about "life" maybe you see eye to eye with this JCVD's philosophy give comment and leave someone holding the baby !!
"La vie c'est quelque chose de tres fort et de tres beau.... La vie appartient a tous les vivants. It's both a dream and a feeling. C'est etre ce que nous ne sommes pas sans le rester. La vie c'est mourir aussi....Et mourir c'est vraiment strong...c'est rester en vie au dela de la mort...Tous ceux qui sont morts n'ignorent pas de le savoir " J.C. VanDamme

this picture is from a Japan newspaper i need help from cédric or aurelien to know if Japanese have more informations than us to "the muscles from Brussels"

lundi 2 mars 2009

Magritte of Karate

I think it is very important now to remind that Jean-Claude have belgium roots, because if you really think about it, it is the key to fully understand who (what) he is.

Jean-Claude is not doing karate only when he is acting or when he is practicing at gym, no, Jean-Claude is also doing karate when he is speaking, and it is very beautiful to see him fighting with words, and with himself.

All Jean-Claude said until nowadays proves he is in the belgium tradition of surrealist art. Yes, Jean-Claude is the first surrealist karateka ever been. You just have to replace the title of every Jean-Claude's films by "This is not Karate" and subtitle his interviews by "This is karate".
If you still have any doubt on jean-Claude's surrealist performance, just read the following quote about "moment"

"Je crois au moment. S'il n'y a pas le moment, à ce moment-là, il faut arriver à ce moment-là, au moment qu'on veut." JCVD


lundi 23 février 2009

The importance of non-verbal

Once you have read this post, you will think it is obvious that Jean-Claude's quotes are also applicable to FLE studies. The following quote is about kinesthesia.

"Animals do not talk. They talk with "du sentiment", but they do not have any language for our fears. On the other hand, there is a lot of touch and eye contact (contacts with the eyes) , some really sincere thing; and to developp myself with animals around me really did help me a lot. Here, there is a dog beside me rignt now, and I am stroking (caressing) him."

" Les animaux ne parlent pas. Ils "parlent" (avec du "feeling"), mais ils n'ont pas de langage pour nos "trouilles" à nous. En revanche, il y a beaucoup de toucher et de contacts des yeux, des choses vraiment sincères; et ça m'a vraiment beaucoup aidé que de me développer avec des animaux autour de moi. Là, j'ai un chien en ce moment à côté de moi et je le caresse." JCVD

If it is possible to teach dogs how to order burgers at the fast-food, it is possible to teach it to someone who doesn't know a word of French. You just have to learn to use your body, your face's expression, your eyes, "le sentiment" in order to make people understand you.

Cédric ze pectin is dead

FEV. 2009 - FEV. 2009

We are not sure of the origin of the death (maybe a password forgotten...), but we are glad to tell you that he has been reborn (reborned) as Sedo6.

vendredi 13 février 2009

How to customize the blog?

I would like to customize the blog but there is no "layout tab" on the dashboard, like on this picture.

How can I change the template?

jeudi 12 février 2009

Everyone is gay

I said in a comment that I will talk about the relation between Jean-Claude and language learning/teaching. Let's begin by the intercultural stuff.

This may be a good authentic document we could use for the course of Mrs Barbot about intercultural. It's a very good exemple of openness.

After that, you won't look at the others the same way, especially dwarf painters.

Jean-Claude is an humanist, so as we are human, we should be vandammist! Don't be afraid to like beautiful things, whatever it is.

Liko Van Damme

This is my daughter Liko who is a big fan of Jean-Claude too. On this picture, she's trying to do like her idol : a "grand écart facial" (sorry, someone could translate this for me, please? David! HELP!!). She has a pretty flexible body, so I think she will succeed soon. Daddy is proud of you, "Pupuce"!!

mercredi 11 février 2009

I am not surprised

It may be an unexpected thing for most of you but I haven't been (wasn't) surprised when I discovered Jean-Claude's quotes on this site on philosophy. Imagine secondary school students working on these kind of topics for the philosophy examination of Baccalaureate. Exciting!

mardi 10 février 2009


This is some kind of Vandammesque concept. No, JCVD is not a “frimeur”, he is a simple guy who never does too much, he‘s just trying to explain his thoughts as precise as possible, and sometimes it’s not that easy.

Like Jean-Claude, tell us if you are anti-pollution, anti-tsunami, anti-caniche or whatever!

Super hero of daily life

Jean-Claude is also a hero in the daily life, just like we all are. Recently, I have seen a program on TV whose topic was handicap, and the father of a guy who went blind when he was 30 told that he realized tha the daily life acts ask so much and needs the biggest efforts. I know a blind couple who have a baby. It sounds unreal but if we were in the same situation, we would surely go through this too. Because our body is just the vehicle of our mind who contain more than you can imagine. we are super heros!

"When you take an are thinking. About a lot of things : some creations, some people, some memories...So, spiritually speaking we are never alone! but physically, "in the envelop", if I am alone...well...I am here. And I stay here...until the doors open. And then I start walking. I move my envelop. To my everyday mission." JCVD

lundi 9 février 2009

The Touch

Jean-Claude has been hurt so many times. That is the reason why he doesn't feel any sadness when the French audience is making fun of him,. So Let's make him feel "la touche" again and tell him we love him! Heart is a muscle too!!


Jean-Claude should be a model for everyone of us because he is the archetype of honesty and simplicity.

« Quand j'étais jeune, j'étais très con. Je suis resté très jeune. » JCVD

samedi 7 février 2009

Hi I'm Alexis
Every day we can see on the media many troubles in the world naturally we are affected by them but sometimes we need to disregard them and
JCVD topic is one of the best reason for that
So be aware !!! and having fun !!
Sorry for my english level I'm a long-standing beginner don't hesitate to correct my mistakes

JCVD is a poof

vendredi 6 février 2009

The body, the brain and the air

Most of people says that JCVD is only muscles. That's true but don't forget that brain is a muscle too! Jean-Claude is MAYBE one of the greatest philisophers of the century and thanks to this blog we will share his thoughts.

We will introduce the reflections of Jean-Claude on Time, Space, Mankind, Love and oxygen.

"I am fascinated by the air. If you remove the air from the sky, birds fall down on the ground…and airplanes do too…at the same time, you cannot touch it… it exist and it doesn’t exist…It feeds man even if he is not hungry…C’est magique… The air is beautiful but you cannot see it, it is soft but you cannot touch it…the air is a little bit like my brain". JCVD

Type of woman

JCVD is also very romantic. Listen to this and tell us what is your type of love?

JCVD and drug

I am sorry, I have forgotten the link about vegetables last time

check out this audio file

As he says, « of course » JCDV did drug in the past and this made him become “foufou”. Hopefully, he recovered from this illness thanks to sport, God and vegetables. So if you don’t want to become “foufou” like JCVD did, don’t do drug (drugs), make (do) sport and eat vegetables!

« La drogue, c'est comme quand tu close your eyes et que tu traverses la rue... » JCVD
Jean-Claude Van Damme is a Belgian martial artist and actor who is best known for martial arts and action movies, the most successful being Universial Soldier and Kickboxer. His Belgian background and his physique furnished him the nickname The Muscles from Brussels.