Let’s talk about the film « JCVD » which would change your point of view on Jean-Claude.

It is a very atypical film because it mixes biographical parts of Jean-Claude’s life and fictional elements. And sometimes, the frontier between them disappears and this put the members of the audience in a strange state of mind, especially because the biographical elements are related to very private and painful things like his divorce, the fact that he became has been, the fact than French audience always make fun of him, his relation with his parents, his age, etc.
You will see a Jean-Claude almost weak (in the opposite of the image that vehiculates his filmography), who got older and whose humanity makes him brighter than ever.
This film which is not just a comedy, but also a tribute to American hold-up scene with very dark scenes sometimes, and which contains a real Belgium spirit is really a great surprise. I recommend you to watch it as soon as possible.
PS: Contrary to the trailer, there is almost no big action scene in JCVD, but this film is also nothing but Karate ;)
is it actually a comedy? like it's meant to make you laugh?
RépondreSupprimerYes it is a comedy but not only. Jean-Claude is playing his own role but it is not a biopic. Even if there is biographical elements it is ont the true story of Jean-Claude.
RépondreSupprimerxx caro xx
RépondreSupprimerI watched the movie last year, but not at the cinema. I can't remember the all movie, so I guess I didn't like it that much...
There are actualy fun parts, in which he acts like the Jean Claude we all know (the parts we make fun of him) and it is great he is able to laugh about himself!
And there are also dark episodes of his life I didn't know at all like his divorce, his fight to get his daughter back, his drug problems; this changed what I thought about him (prejudices!)and made him more... human and "normal" =)
But i still think that there was no need to make a movie about him, and especially an American movie, expert in magnifying a simple person into a star...