Once you have read this post, you will think it is obvious that Jean-Claude's quotes are also applicable to FLE studies. The following quote is about kinesthesia.
"Animals do not talk. They talk with "du sentiment", but they do not have any language for our fears. On the other hand, there is a lot of touch and eye contact (contacts with the eyes) , some really sincere thing; and to developp myself with animals around me really did help me a lot. Here, there is a dog beside me rignt now, and I am stroking (caressing) him."
" Les animaux ne parlent pas. Ils "parlent" (avec du "feeling"), mais ils n'ont pas de langage pour nos "trouilles" à nous. En revanche, il y a beaucoup de toucher et de contacts des yeux, des choses vraiment sincères; et ça m'a vraiment beaucoup aidé que de me développer avec des animaux autour de moi. Là, j'ai un chien en ce moment à côté de moi et je le caresse." JCVD

If it is possible to teach dogs how to order burgers at the fast-food, it is possible to teach it to someone who doesn't know a word of French. You just have to learn to use your body, your face's expression, your eyes, "le sentiment" in order to make people understand you.
this is a great post! but i'm not sure those dogs are truly aware of what their clothing style represents. if they did, they'd surely start eating each other.
RépondreSupprimera few hints for your translation (which was good!):
- contacts des yeux = eye contact (always singular in English)
- caresser un animal = to stroke (to caress probably sounds a bit more... sexual)
Thank you for the correction, David.
RépondreSupprimerDavid said> "to caress probably sounds a bit more... sexual" : maybe it is what I wanted to hear ;)
Poor dog. I hope he doesn't HAVE to listen to JC all the time. Dogs are not stupid. I'm sure this one thinks he is crazy because he doesn't understand his master...
RépondreSupprimerI really wish I won't be reincarnated in JCV's dog (even if he "caresses" me all the time ;)
xx Carolaiiine xx
I am not sure that dogs really understand human language(well, I have heard that they understand the meaning of gesture, what chimapzee are not able to do! Surprising, ins't it?). Like Jean-Claude, I grew up surrendered by dogs and I am not sure they really take care of what their master says. But, as Jean-Claude said, there is a lot of "eye contacts" between man and animal. Don't you think that Jean-Claude has a pretty soothing eyes? I also heard he is the kind of man who wants to protect his children from all this Hollywood stuff (Have you ever see them in any tabloids?).
RépondreSupprimerI have never met Jean-Claude but there is some evidence he is a good father for his children and good master for his dogs...or, maybe the opposite...;)